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The California Council on Gerontology and Geriatrics (CCGG) will be hosting a Showcase that allows students, faculty, and the greater community to share their work and research with the larger CCGG community.
- Deadline for submission is being extended until further notice.
- For those interested in attending the Spring Showcase will be held Thursday April 25, from 9-11a.m. via zoom
- Attendees will be voting on presentation award(s) for the "Best in Show" with an award for the winner!
For all interested you can visit https://www.ccgg.org/ccgg-showcases for more information.
Enyelber Franco
Recreation Coordinator | City of Costa Mesa
enyelber.franco@costamesaca.gov | 714-327-7543
695 W 19th St | Costa Mesa | CA 92627
Enyelber Franco
Recreation Coordinator
City of Costa Mesa Parks and Community Services
Costa Mesa CA
(714) 754-5300