Aging Services & Activities Section

The mission of the Aging Services and Activities Section is to be a resource to leaders in aging professions by providing a vehicle for support, education and development of professionals responsible for services and activities to older adults. The section is a melding of recreational, leisure, gerontology and health/social professionals dedicated to the ideals of aging well. The section seeks to help professionals define their goals and to shape the future of the profession by providing leadership, advocacy, scholarships, grants, training and education.

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CPRS District & Section Challenge

Get ready for some friendly District and Section rivalry!  

Every month, a new challenge awaits, and the top five districts or sections in each challenge will earn points. When March rolls around, the district or section with the highest overall points will be crowned the winner.

July Challenge
Share a photo of where you planted your Parks Make Life Better seeds or stuck your stickers from CPRS on your social media. Post your images on Facebook or Instagram - the more creative the spot, the better!

When Posting Your Picture:

  • Use the hashtag #ParksMakeLifeBetter
  • Tag CPRS (Facebook: California Parks & Recreation Society / Instagram: cprs_ca)
  • Tag the Aging Section (Facebook: CPRS Aging Section / Instagram: CPRSAging)

If you haven't yet received your Parks Make Life Better seeds and sticker, please call CPRS at 916-665-2777 and we will send out another.

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