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CPRS State Board Call for Nominations - Deadline is midnight TUESDAY!

  • 1.  CPRS State Board Call for Nominations - Deadline is midnight TUESDAY!

    Posted 11-07-2022 10:04 AM
    Hey there!  Just popping this up to the top of your inbox as the deadline is TUESDAY, November 8!

    You are Invited to Join the CPRS State Board of Directors!

    CPRS seeks board members who internalize the mission, values, and promise of the profession and who have demonstrated a commitment to the profession of parks and recreation!

    CPRS provides education, networking, and resources for our members, and is the public advocate for California park and recreation professionals.

    Interested?  Learn more here, then submit your Board of Directors Interest Form by Tuesday, November 8, 2022

    The following positions are available for election in 2023:

    Vice President (3 year term; 2023 - 2026)
    Automatic advancement to President-elect and President

    Secretary/Treasurer (2 year term; 2023 - 2025)

    Region Representatives (2 year term; 2023 - 2025)
    Candidate must live or work in one of the Districts within the Region

    • Region 2 (Districts 4, 5, and 6)
    • Region 4 (Districts 11, 13, and 14)

    Section Representative (2 year term; 2023 - 2025)
    Candidate must be an active member of one of the six qualifying sections

    Ready to learn more?  Visit our Info page here!

    Remember to submit your Board of Directors Interest Form by Tuesday, November 8, 2022!

    For more information contact:

    Kyla Brown, CPRS Vice President
    (951) 955-4306

    Stephanie Stephens
    Executive Director
    California Park & Recreation Society
    (916) 665-2777