My Profile

Darin Budak, CPRE, CSFM

City of Bakersfield Rec & Parks Dept

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City of Bakersfield Rec & Parks Dept


Currently the Assistant Director of Bakersfield's Recreation and Parks Department. Managing a staff of 169 fulltime employees in programing 61 parks, 3 community centers, 5 aquatic centers and several hundred miles of streetscapes. Received B.S. in Parks and Recreation Management from Northern Arizona University . Certified by both National Recreation and Parks (NRPA) as CPRE and Sports Turf Managers Association (STMA) as CSFM. Prior to  current position, worked in Major League Baseball at the Spring Training site of the San Diego Padres and Seattle Mariners.

Raised in Rock Springs, Wyoming. Married to Kristina Budak for 22 years with twins boys age 21. One is currently serving overseas in US Marine Corp and other in last year at US Military Academy West Point.