Development & Operations Section


The Development & Operations Section is comprised of professionals involved in the development, design, management, operation and maintenance of parks, facilities, open space, trails and other infrastructure developed and maintained for public recreational purposes. The mission of the section is to provide educational, networking and technical support programs and services to professionals who operate and develop public facilities.
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  • Submission Deadline for the 2024 Elections is this Thursday!

    Hello CPRS Future Leaders!!

    The election deadline for your state, district or section open board positions is fast approaching!
    We need ALL candidates, whether for the CPRS State Board, a District, or a Section Board, to submit their interest via one ONLINE SUBMISSION form by Thursday, November 30th, 2023!
    Find open 2024 CPRS State board positions here.
    Nominating yourself for a position on the CPRS Board is your chance to be a part of something bigger, to give back to your community, and to grow professionally. Your unique perspective and dedication can make a huge difference.  We need your valuable skills, knowledge, and experience!
  • Members Holiday Party

    Join us on this virtual call and celebrate CPRS membership this joyous season!

    We encourage everyone to wear their favorite holiday hat or festive sweater. Games, holiday trivia, and plenty of gift cards to win!

    December 6th, 2023 at 11 am

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