Parks Make Life Better! Month Toolkit


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The Parks Make Life Better!® logo is a service mark owned by the California Park & Recreation Society (CPRS). By downloading this logo, you affirm that you are an individual or agency member of CPRS and agree to the terms and conditions of using the Parks Make Life Better!® logo as granted by CPRS. 


Parks Make Life Better!® Month Social Media Action Kit

Sample social media memes for agencies to use to promote the key messages of the Parks Make Life Better!® branding campaign.


Branding ToolKit

An informative document explaining the branding process, research, key messages and description of the tools.

July is Parks Make Life Better!® Month Resolution

Sample resolution to use for your city council, board or commission to adopt July as Parks Make Life Better!® month.

Parks Make Life Better! Stories

What does the Parks Make Life Better!® brand mean to YOU? Here are a few stories to inspire you...