CPRS Candidate PAC

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CPRS Candidate PAC

Our Goal

To support candidates for state office who recognize the value of parks and recreation for all Californians and who are willing to listen about the important role recreation and parks play in creating community through people, parks and programs. 

Why a PAC?

Political advocacy has been an important priority since CPRS began. CPRS has had a paid lobbyist/advocate since 1983. Members have always been involved by testifying before legislative committees, visiting legislators in their home district and in Sacramento, sending emails or writing letters.

CPRS has had a general recipient Political Action Committee (PAC), the Legislative Century Club, for 18+ years. It is funded through voluntary contributions from members. This PAC is activated when there is a statewide initiative or measure that we wish to oppose or support. CPRS has contributed to many statewide campaigns: Proposition 1A in 2004; Proposition 40 in 2002 (statewide park bond of $2.6 B); Proposition 13 in 2000 (statewide park bond of $2 B); and Proposition 70 in 1988 ($776 M). The Legislative Century Club is vitally important in passing these park bonds. 

The How

The CPRS Candidate PAC is governed by a committee.  This committee has guidelines to determine who will receive contributions.

Members include:

Chair:  Pat O’Brien, retired General Manager, East Bay Regional Park District
Phil Hester
Terry Jewell
Rosemary Cameron
John Koberer
Stephanie Stephens, CPRS Executive Director

No Public Funds!

All funds to operate the Candidate PAC are from individual and company contributions, no public funds can be contributed.

Need more info?  Check out our FAQ's sheet, or contact the CPRS office at 916-665-2777 at any time.

Want to Contribute?

Contributions to the PAC are welcome at any time.  

To make your donation to the Candidate PAC, click here to download the form. Remember, no public funds may be given to the CPRS Candidate PAC. Any contribution of $100 or more requires full disclosure (name, address, place of business, and job title) pursuant to the Fair Political Practice Commission. Contributions to the CPRS Candidate PAC are voluntary and are non-tax deductible.

Please make your check payable to CPRS Candidate PAC and forward it with your donation form to: CPRS, Candidate PAC, 7971 Freeport Blvd., Sacramento, CA 95832-9701.