Take 5 Challenge

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At the 2018 CPRS Conference & Expo, I encouraged CPRS professionals to take part in the TAKE 5 CHALLENGE. the challenge is to make an intentional effort each month to take five minutes to connect with others in the profession.  Could be a phone call, a coffee, a walk or an email.  The same five minutes one might use on Facebook or Instagram or Snap Chat or flossing.   

The purpose is to spend time being there for each other in the profession, checking in about your current projects, programs, professional goals or challenges.  Connecting with someone who is either in their professional career coming up after you, in the same boat as you or someone who has gone before. 

The intended outcome is: as Iron Sharpens Iron, we too can professionally sharpen each other.  The Take 5 Challenge will help to establish and broaden our circle of professional support.  This will go toward building the “One CPRS” concept and make it stronger than it is today.

We know the initial conversation can be scary and weird, so we are going to do the hard part for you...we will connect you and start the conversation!  

Want in????  It's simple....just email Recreation Section President-Elect, Michael Moran,  and you'll get connected to another professional who took the challenge as well!  In your email, include the area of interest you'd like to connect with.  Examples include, but are not limited to: programming, administration, aquatics, aging adults, marketing, being a mentor, having a mentor, management....the list goes on and on, and can include anything parks and recreation or municipal government related.  

Take the challenge and stay sharp professionally!

I look forward to connecting with you over the next year... Let's Take 5 together!

Henry Perezalonso
CPRS President

Need to find a member? You can find all current CPRS members' profiles here.