2016 Magazines

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2016 California Parks & Recreation Magazine Index:

Winter_2016_Cover_Art.pngWinter 2016, Volume 72, No. 1

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2016 CPRS Conference & Expo Highlights.
What should you expect from the CPRS Conference & Expo in Long Beach, March 8-11, 2016? Here’s a brief look at the educational sessions, networking opportunities, special events and the Expo.
Go Out & Play!!! or How To Survive The Zombie Apocalypse
A unique way to solve “Nature Defecit Disorder.”

Parks & Recreation in the 21st Century: Vision, Insight, Planning
A look at what is coming soon for the VIP Action Plan, Creating Community in the 21st Century. 


Spring 2016 Cover ArtSpring 2016, Volume 72, No. 2

Click here to view online version

2016 CPRS Conference & Expo Recap  
This special section looks back at the recent CPRS Conference & Expo in Long Beach. Attendees were able to Level Up at over 100 educational sessions. Networking opportunities were scattered throughout the conference and attendees were able to visit with over 200 companies at the Expo Show.

Barking at the Right Tree 
Learn the basics for creating or renovating a dog park for your community.

Dog Park Programming 
What types of programming can you introduce at your dog park to bring out the canines and their compadres.

Parks for Life
County of Santa Clara Parks and Recreation Department introduced the Parks for Life challenge game two years ago. Now this award-winning program is introducing adventures to community members that gets them out into their park system. 


Summer 2016 Cover ArtSummer 2016, Volume 72, No. 3

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Tale of a 50 Year Old Pokemon Trainer
What park and recreation agencies can learn from a Pokemon Trainer who is
exploring the new craze of Pokemon Go.

Pokemon Go leading to a ‘population-level’ surge in fitness tracker step counts
Pokemon Go has had a profound impact on the number of people walking in local parks.

Teen Eco Action! Getting Your Community’s Teens In The Great Outdoors
This award-winning agency has found the right programs to get teens not just outside, but connecting with nature.

Keeping Turf and Saving Water (at the same time)
You don’t have to remove all your turf from your parks in order to meet water conservation efforts. The solution might be as easy as selecting a different turf.

Celebrating the Life of Barry Weiss
A look at the affect Barry Weiss had on the profession, CPRS and a special individual.


Fall 2016 Cover ArtFall 2016, Volume 72, No. 4

Click here to view online version 

Game Changer! Parks and 3 Wins Fitness Program
University Kinesiology Departments and local park and recreation agencies partnership grows in Los Angeles.

Project Awareness and Special Sports
Adaptive needs program partners with City of Marin Valley to create unique camp.

Painted Rocks Invading Your Parks?
Move over Pokemon Go, there’s a new trend to get your community out into your parks to hunt for new treasures.

Lessons from the California Legends
Four legends from California their thoughts on the power of parks and recreation.