Institutes & Academies

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Single-day, single-subject in depth educational events

District_Section_SummitCPRS is your one-stop shop for the largest gatherings of your Parks and Recreation peers, with our institutes, symposiums, and mini-conferences. 

At CPRS, our education and training programs are designed to give Park and Recreation professionals a competitive edge.  Our educational events not only help build competency, but also offer unique opportunities to connect and network with industry leaders and vendors. We help you move yourself, and our profession, forward!

Grow professionally by sharing ideas and offering solutions to today’s challenges--during educational sessions or just networking in a venue’s common space. Many events offer catered meals, dedicated social and networking spaces, and continuing education credits for those pursuing or renewing certification. All of our events fill up fast, so reserve your spot today!

Events in this category

CPRS_RT_Institute_LogoRecreation Therapy Annual Institute 
Northern California / Southern California (opposite years, at Annual Conference)
Hosted by the CPRS Recreation Therapy Section
This collection of educational sessions is a great opportunity to earn continuing education hours for your required certification.  The program also offers networking with other therapists during each learning exchange. Improve your knowledge and skills in this dynamic field of therapy—all in one day of learning!


CPRS_D&O_LogoPark Planning & Development Institute
Location varies
Hosted by the CPRS Development & Operations Sections
This program is designed for anyone involved in park planning and development, from front line supervisors to park planners, landscape architects, superintendents, agency directors and more. This CPRS Development and Operations event will feature a combination of general sessions and concurrent educational sessions focused on park management, operations, planning and development.


CPRS_Administrators_LogoDirectors Summit or Executive Summit
Northern California / Southern California (opposite years)
Hosted by the CPRS Administrators Section
The Director's Academy is a statewide two-day training for current agency executives and those desiring to take on that role in the future. The training is designed for the new and/or up-and-coming director, as well as the veteran executive.