
Networking Banner

Member Directory

Need to find a member? You can search by name (first, last or both), agency, email address, city or even by Districts and Sections. Click here to access the Member Directory Search.

Networking In Person

CPRS members value their networking opportunities as a membership benefit above everything but educational training. Use the lists below to find a networking event near you. Learn more here >

Take 5 Challenge

CPRS professionals are encouraged to take part in the TAKE 5 CHALLENGE to make an intentional effort each month to take five minutes to connect with others in the profession.  It could be a phone call, a coffee, a walk or an email.  The same five minutes one might use on Facebook or Instagram or Snap Chat or flossing.  Learn more here >  

Company Directory

An often overlooked member to use as a resource is the CPRS Company Member. Company members often have answers to many of your pressing questions. Use the CPRS Buyers Guide to locate a Company Member.
Access the Buyers Guide here >