2023 Magazines

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2023 California Parks & Recreation Magazine Index:

Fall 2023, Volume 79, No. 4

Cosumnes Park & Recreation Achieves National Accreditation .......... 14

The Science of Play .......... 19

Connecting on Campus .......... 24

VR - A New Leisure Activity for Older Adults .......... 26

Engaging Seasoned Professionals as Mentors .......... 30

Enhancing Lives Through Recreation & Support Services in San Diego .......... 34

SF Parks Alliance at 50 .......... 36

Summer 2023, Volume 79, No. 3

Why Work-Life Balance Doesn’t Matter and What Matters Instead......................................10

Champions of a Lifesaving Culture..................... 20

Want to Offer Some Meaningful Benefits to Your Community? Think About Soccer...............24

Improving and Creating Sports Facilities Through Data and Partnerships.......................... 30

Spring 2023, Volume 79, No. 2

2023 Conference Highlights
A look back at the 2023 CONNECTIONS Conference & Expo. The conference returned to the City of San Diego for the first time in over 20 years. The energy level among attendees was contagious

Equitable Improvement to Sacramento's Sports Fields
How do innovative cities address systemic environmental and social injustice in their park 
systems? Leaders need to be committed to ensuring that all residents have access to quality parks and facilities.

Hall of Honor Program Preserves the Past and Inspires the Future
As recreation and leisure professionals, we have an obligation to ensure that our industry’s history is recorded and celebrated. We should strive to ensure that leadership connections, collaboratives and partnerships are built, and that quality of life is considered an important local and regional concern.

Mini Pitch Soccer: An Alternative to Full-Size Grass Fields
Three former Major League Soccer players from the City of Pico Rivera wanted to bring back something to their community. A 5 on 5 mini-pitch was the obvious choice.

Why Parks and Recreation Professions Should Care About Marketing
What engagement channels are your best alternative to communicating with your communities?

Winter 2023, Volume 79, No. 1

Connections CPRS Conference & EXPO Highlights

The CONNECTIONS Conference will return to San Diego for the first time in over 20+ 
years. Learn about all the exciting things going on at the 2023 Conference

Reimagine Conservation & Recreation
Read about how the County of Los Angeles is using data to implement their 30x30 plan 
which has a goal to conserve 30% of lands and coastal waters by 2030. As part of the 
2022 Parks Needs Assessment Plus Final Report, the plan focuses on the most vulnerable 
residents living in park-poor and tree-poor areas.

Meeting Your CPRS JEDI Counsel
In the past year the CPRS JEDI Counsel has made great strides in creating a foundation 
and framework for moving CPRS and the park and recreation profession in understanding the ideals of Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion.

Trends into Possibilities
A new year is always a great time to look ahead to the coming year. In this issue we look at the Possibilities and the Practices of park and recreation professionals.